About Us
Okowner is a classified online marketplace for selling and buying second hand cars based in Bangalore.
We provide wide range of car listing to select cars from direct owners and some verified dealers. Our website provides great platform to comperison cars price and letting select best from it.
Having live update to perform better search results from wide range of selected listing.
We manully verify our car listing ad and give many option to our customers that makes easy to buy vehicles through our platform.
This website has wide collection of car list that enables multiple options for customers for any model they select
We sell only good conditions car with approprite pricing
Okowner was started in June 2022 with the idea of saving the time for search and select used vehicles
Our mission is making buying and selling vehicles as simple as possible. Providing best conditions car at better price.
- Customer can buy best car from wide range of collections of all brands and models
- We Protect customers/sellers from any kind of situational disadvantages occurs in urgency. Giving them many options for buying and multiple offers for selling.
We believe that Vehicle is a true asset which enables people to travel far beyond their reach. So we expact selling and used vehicle should not be any trouble for people. We provide free service for posting cars on this website. Currently there is no company or website who gives unbiased list of used cars, Everyone promoting paid listing So we have come with the solution. To give best qulity cars listing, We give every ad as same priority.
Why Uesd Car
There is 4 main benefits of buying second hand cars.
1. You can save money and get same service as new vehicle.
2. You can upgrade in short period of time and will not get too much depreciation.
3. You can learn driving with old car better, because you will not have worry about car condition
4. If you have low budget although you can buy any used car because it is much cheaper than new.
How Condition Matters
For any vehicles it's condition matters the most.Buying great condition car gives you maximum worth of investement also it will give you peace of mind and will save your time. Poor condition car requires reccuring service and cost you more and more.
Why Price is Important
Purchasing used car is all about saving money. If you can buy newer and good condition car at same price than why outdated and poor condition car. Before buying please check market price carefully because used car price fluctuate according to demand and supply of current situation.
Which to Buy Newer or Older
This always create mass confusion to people which to buy newer vehicle or older vehicle. The best answer is there is no one answer. If you buy newer model, you will not get more features or you can't buy top model car at that price. Or if you buy top model old car, you can't keep longer time as we have 15 years registration policy